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About us

Ecolojah, an alternative school

Created in 2000, Ecolojah is a humanitarian rural school located in the Ahozon forest in Ouidah, Benin. The school allows more than a hundred students (orphans, destitute ...) to benefit from an innovative education from the first to the fifth grade..

ECOLOJAH teaches traditional subjects such as mathematics and geography, but it also offers practical subjects such as agro-ecology and plant processing.

Pan-African History

Children discover who Lumumba, Sankara, MalcolmX, Mandela are, but also XHI Menen I, Saraouina, African queen, Kwamen'Krumah, independence and pan-Africanist statesman who led the independent Ghana, Marie Rose, known as Toto, figure...

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The founders

Father and mother JAH

Originally from Guadeloupe and settled in Benin since 1997, the Jah Family created the JAH Sphere in the classified and protected forest of Pahou, Ouidah, the Center for the Awakening and Stimulation of Children and the Center for the Experimentation of the Valorization of Agro Ecology, Endogenous Sciences and Techniques, which currently has nearly 150 children enrolled.

The first component of CEVASTE, this Center is a Pan-African School oriented in priority to the training of a new generation of African citizens proud of their history, respectful of their environment, capable of unity and nourishing a vision of prosperity and sustainability for their continent.

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Become a sponsor

Sponsor a child

Education is the foundation of everything!
By sponsoring a child now, you are helping him or her to change their life. You are also helping to train the future builders of tomorrow. ECOLOJAH instills an innovative education adapted to African children in the rural sector, in a rich program to train the future builders of Africa. Support this vibrant youth.

Sponsor the School

Let's honor our heroes while they are still alive.
Father and mother JAH are at the base of the Back to Afrika in French-speaking black Africa that is popularized today.
Encouraged by the speech of Marcus Garvey, these two giants of Pan-Africanism are the first French-speaking Afro-descendants to have materialized the return to Africa.
This school is therefore one of the undeniable legacies that they have materialized on the ground and which we must support so that it can endure and thus educate current and future generations.
By sponsoring this school, you honor their work!

Sponsor a project

Each year the school organizes events that you can support.
By sponsoring one of the historical activities; - Kwanzaa; Black history Months, Arbor Day, Marcus Garvey day...etc.
You will contribute to the sustainability of activities that provide pan-African and historical content to the school's students through cultural, sporting and environmental events.